Make a tax-deductible contribution

100% of your donation goes towards the project you referenced with no administrative fees deducted. All administrative expenses are paid for with our own asset management.

To donate, you can contribute through our secure giving link online (left) where you can choose to make a one-time or a recurring contribution. Should you prefer a bank transfer, please use the following donations account:

Nehemiah Gateway gGmbH
IBAN: DE08 7605 0101 0015 3535 35 


Donation receipt

Nehemiah Gateway gGmbH is recognized by the German tax authorities as a non-profit organization, so your donations are tax-deductible.

For donations over 300 € per year, we automatically send out your donation receipt at the beginning of the next calendar year. Please, fill in your address for us, so we can issue the receipt.

In Germany, up to an amount of 300 € per donation your bank statement is sufficient as proof for the tax office (§ 50 Abs. 4 Satz 1 Nr. 2 EStDV). In order to save costs and administrative work, we will send out receipts for donations of less than 300 € per year only on request. Just let us know if you wish to receive a receipt. 


Application of funds

Do you want to support a specific project? Just specify it in the donation form. You can contribute once or through recurring donations. We will make sure that your gift will be used 100% for the designated purpose. On the rare occasion that a donation is made for a project that is overfunded or completed, your donation will be applied to a similar, urgent project making sure of help where most needed. In particular cases, if possible, we will contact you personally.

General donations to NG programs and projects represent a contribution to the entire global mission of Nehemiah Gateway and may be used where most needed.

If you have questions or comments in regard to how we operate or handle your gifts, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to answer your questions:



Transparency about the usage of your donations and protection of your data are of main importance to us. Find more information on transparency and privacy policy here.

Find further information about our organization and background in our FAQs.